Cinnamon rolls are a favorite of everyone around here. I’ve tried a few ways to make them including using sourdough starter that I feed every three days. I’ve tried using pie crust, which does make a nice treat… for a quick large cinnamon roll method though, I’ve found a method that uber simple and comes …
Tag: cinnamon rolls
Oct 30
Pie Crust Snacks
Have extra pie crust? I love snacking on pie crust! So it seems like a good way to make a quick snack is to use the pie crust with some butter, brown sugar and cinnamon on top. I rolled mine up and then cut them as spirals and laid them out on a cookie sheet. …
May 22
Sourdough Cinnamon Rolls
I’ve been trying sourdough recipes with a starter I have. the starter I have originally started as just a flour and water starter that I received, but I started adding a cup each of flour, sugar and milk to make it similar to the starter I was using 25 years ago. The recipe I went …