When you have a person that will only eat certain foods, it’s tough when they sell out. We have a tough time also when the company changes their packaging (that’s actually worse since the food is off the menu permanently)…. Some kids (and adults) with special needs have difficulty eating different foods. They have very …
Tag: autism
May 14
NASA Space and Rocket Center – Huntsville Field Trip
Heading to a conference in November we decided to visit the NASA Space and Rocket Center. Entering Alabama we were able to stop at the rest area also and see one of the rockets, but the space center is an exciting place to interact with hands on activities and information about rockets and missions. The center …
Apr 02
Wear Blue for Autism Day
Tomorrow is wear blue for autism day. One organization promoted it, but by wearing blue you aren’t necessarily supporting that organization. You are supporting awareness for all the kids (and adults) that have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder in their lifetime. Currently that number is listed as 1 in 68 and personally I don’t think …
Feb 05
A New Comb
My youngest finds these weighty subjects, and nothing to laugh over… but sometimes I have to laugh at myself just to maintain my own internal compass. I will find myself realizing that what’s important isn’t really what I was stressing over… Having a unique boy is always a challenge! I was reminded when yesterday my …