Category: savings

iFit – With Treadmill


We’ve had AT&T for a while. We were under the grandfathered plan forever!  Recently I decided to check into swapping around plans to see about getting a better deal.  – We actually had two phones with unlimited and three that were on a shared data plan.  The shared data plan had begun as 200 MB.  …

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Debit Cards vs Credit Card

Today reading Dave Ramsey’s article in our paper I noticed an article about debit cards vs. credit cards. It’s something my family has discussed a few times. In the article Ramsey was advising the person that had written in that debit cards should be chosen over credit cards and all about the dangers of credit …

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Fruit Snacks

A friend came and we decided to make fruit snacks for the kids.  Really we were playing with the food processor (Kitchen Aid)!  I have the popular mixer that has all the attachments. The mixer was a gift from my mother last year for my birthday and now has a spot on my counter. We …

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Wait to buy a House? or Now?

Looking through the paper the other day I noticed the advice of wait to buy a house.  The situation involved seemed to be a young couple getting married that were being given the gift of a down payment by the in laws….  Reading this, I got the impression that the advice given was to not …

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