We are still making our Blue Apron Meals… At first it was super nice to know what we were having three nights a week! Now we have the Kelly Autism Program (KAP) on Wednesday, so that knocks that night out meaning our schedule is off a night. Our meals arrive on Wednesday but we don’t …
Category: Organization
May 08
Who do you know?
How many times have you been out and about and needed a phone number? (or even an address) There are lots of options for contact management systems. Getting them to sync correctly with multiple devices is the tough part! I can’t say I’ve completely figured it out, but I’m dealing with several computers and a …
May 07
Documents – Sharing Made easy!
Dropbox For your documents, Dropbox is an online storage system that can make sharing easier. Available for Windows, iOS, Linux and Mobile, you’re able to sync up all of your files with each of your device. Why run to the office when you can access all of your last-minute files from home? Best of all, …