Has anyone noticed that the holidays are starting earlier and earlier? We went out to Toys R Us today to pick up a card and happened to hit one of the the early Christmas sales… I laugh because it’s barely November and definitely not Thanksgiving yet. I am curious when Christmas moved up to right after Halloween?
There were people everywhere, the women in front of me in line had 5 Mickey mouse stuffed animals and was asking the clerk to ring up her $50 purchase and then she wanted the 2 Mickeys that were $5 each. Preferably the two biggest ones! She hadn’t price checked them, she had no idea which ones, but she wanted the sales clerk to figure it out. Normally for me this isn’t too big an issue…. BUT today there were long lines everywhere, no one had had lunch yet and we were already late for a birthday party across town (the one we were getting the birthday card for).
What’s the best solution in this situation if you are the person wanting your Mickey Mouse? Read the sale ad carefully and go into the store knowing what you are buying? Hold up the line for your turn? Go to customer service? I’m not sure of the solution. Personally I’d vote for read the sale ad ahead and know what you are looking for, but what if you saw the sign in the store? I think my vote would be to go to customer service then if it isn’t going quickly at checkout. (Of course I was the person second in line behind her)