Here’s another great post I found in CafeMom:
Newspapers: Sundays newspaper contain most of the coupons you will need. Inserts such as smartsource, red plum and P&G (proctor & gamble) are found here. Sometimes you can find inserts in your local Wednesday paper as well.
Online: internet printables are a great source of coupons. You can print these coupons from, smartsource, red plum, and p&g. Facebook is also a great way to get coupons, simply “like” their page and look to see if they offer a printable coupon.
Blinkies: blinkies are found inside the store. These are usually manufacturer coupons and can be found in various places through out the store. They come in a small black dispenser that usually has a blinking light on top.
Peelie/Hangtag: These are coupons that are found on the product its self, it is usually in the form of a sticker and can be peeled off the product(peelie) or hanging around the neck of a product (hangtag). These can be either manufacturer or store coupons
In store displays: Some stores have coupons set up around the store, usually in the form of a display. You have to look for these coupons, because they can come in many forms such as hangtag or as a. booklet. Some stores keep these coupons at customer service rather than placing them around the store so always ask someone at the service desk Catalina Coupons: These are those coupons that print out with your receipt that before you would just stuff in the bottom of your purse. Not all stores print catalina, Kroger and Walgreens are common stores that do print them. These can be either manufacturer or store coupons and are sometimes given to you based on your shopping history